Model Name: OrderSummaryDTO
DateAdded : date

The date the order was created.

Description : string

Your description for the product ordered.

DueDate : date

Date due for completion.

FrameNumber : string

The ID assigned to an individual order item.

OrderNumber : string

Index of an item within a group

Copy : integer

Index of an item within a group

ShippingMethod : string

The method of delivering item(s) ordered. I.E. "Ground".

ShippingName : string

Name of the client who is receiving the product ordered.

ShipVia : string

The outfit responsible for shipping. I.E. "FedEx".

StoreNumber : string

The store number assigned to you by Northwest Framing.

VendorSKU : string

The Sku you assigned to the product ordered.

DateShipped : date
ShipTrackingNumber : string